It's always nice to get a little something extra. If you make an energy efficient
upgrade with Your Energy Source, chances are you will qualify for one or more of
the following incentive programs:
Tax Credits
Every now and then our government get things right. In this case it is cold hard
cash for installing high efficient home improvements. Your Energy Source will let
you know of any credits available to you.
Utility Rebates
Part of your monthly utility bill goes to funding special programs like rebates
for residential customers who install high efficient home improvements like heating
and air, windows, and tankless water heaters. Not only is this mandated by the State,
but it is also a lot cheaper for the Utility Companies to conserve energy than build
new power plants and transmission facilities. We'll make sure to tell you about
any rebates or other programs available from the Utility Companies including PG&E,
SCE, SDG&E, SMUD and more.
Energy Efficiency Loans
Think you can't afford new high efficient home improvements? Think again- in many
cases those utility savings can just about pay for themselves. Special financing
programs with great terms are available specifically for high efficiency residential
upgrades. Want to know if you qualify? Download our
Financing Application and send it in to find out if you qualify.
Home Energy Analysis
Want to know how Energy Efficient your home is? Your Energy Source offers a Free
Home Energy Analysis to qualified residential customers. At a value of $199, this
analysis is yours FREE- no strings attached- so you can make an informed decision
about your energy consumption. Anything else is just guessing.