About Us
Your Energy Source is dedicated to helping Californians save energy, one customer
at a time. Choose Your Energy Source and receive quality service and lower energy
Supply and Demand- Why Energy Prices are Increasing
From 1970 to 2000, energy prices rose over 500%. Since
2000, energy prices in California have increased at an even
faster rate.
What is the cause? World fossil fuel supplies are steadily
being depleted and developing nations such as India and
China are now competing for these limited resources.
Reduced supplies and increased demand are a recipe for
ever increasing prices.
Primary Residential Energy Consumption
Studies show that Heating and Cooling costs
accounts for 55% of the average annual residential
energy bill. Water Heaters are the next biggest
energy use at 15%. If you want to save money,
you should start with addressing these areas.
What Can We Do About It?
Your Energy Source specializes in high efficiency improvements to homes and businesses.
Think Energy Star products. If your windows, heating and cooling system or water
heater is more than 15 years old, the efficiency of new systems will likely pay
for themselves with the money you save on your utility bill. To start saving,
contact the experts at Your Energy Source. Be sure
to ask for a free in home Energy Analysis.
About Us
With offices throughout California, Your Energy Source specializes in high efficiency
improvements to homes and businesses. You can trust Your Energy Source to understand
your needs and do your job right. A California licensed contractor since 1989- licensed,
insured, and bonded. We do it right.
Your Energy Source
Whats good for your pocket book is good for the environment.